Celebrating over 45 years
The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy riding motorcycles. In the Spring of 1974, several law enforcement officers from the Bangor, Maine (USA) area met and formed a small, local motorcycle club. Now we have over 19,500 members in 29 countries.
Blue Knights California 1 is a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to various rides and functions. When traveling, local members can provide assistance, directions and sometimes a place to stay. We are truly a family.
Among the Blue Knight members,
"There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met."
Mission Statement
The Blue Knights is a non-
Purpose & Goals
1. Provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment, education, physical, the mental and social benefit of its members and the general public.
2. To promote and advance the sport of motorcycling and the safety of motorcycling.
3. To serve the interests of motorcycle owners and users.
4. To promote by example and any other acceptable means, safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles.
5. To develop a fraternal spirit between law enforcement personnel and the general public.
- Be an active full or part-time law enforcement officer with powers of arrest
- Be employed by a governmental agency and receive monetary compensation, or be a retired or disabled former law enforcement officer
- Possess a valid license to operate a motorcycle
- Own a motorcycle or plan to purchase one within six months
It is difficult stating what makes the Blue Knights® so special. Perhaps the following will help explain the kinds of feelings that flow when a bunch of motorcycle-riding police officers get together.
Knighthood is:
- Enjoying the company of different people who share not only the common bond of a career in law enforcement but also a love of motorcycles.
- Being able to visit your friends in any of our member countries and be treated like family.
- Receiving get-well cards from people you've never met. (There are no strangers in the Blue Knights, only friends you haven't met.)
- Riding with the Ladies of the Knights and Little Knights who give that added family touch.
- Going to handicapped children's camps, giving the kids rides and seeing the smiles on their faces.
- Various fund-raising activities for those less fortunate.
Being a Blue Knight is all this and much, much more.
Many Blue Knights work long and hard to raise money for various charities. Especially near to our hearts is helping children. Make-a-Wish Foundation, Toys for Tots, D.A.R.E., and Concerns of Police Survivors are some examples of our favorites.
From September 1, 1991, to September 1, 2005, Blue Knights donated to numerous charities; contributing time in the amount of 151,208 man hours, goods with an estimated value of $512,029.63 and $4,423,636.90 in cash (USD).
Regular Members
All regular members must be persons who are full time (32 hours per week minimum) employees of a governmental law enforcement agency or department. Such employment must be the primary source of employment of all Regular members. All Regular members must have arrest authority.
Persons receiving disability income or job reclassification due to injuries received while engaged in law enforcement employment or who are receiving retirement income for full-time employment as herein defined, by a governmental law enforcement agency or department are eligible for Regular membership although they are not presently employed by such a law enforcement agency or department.
Persons who have served twenty (20) years or more and have been a Blue Knight for one (1) year or more, who have taken a retirement option and who have taken a separation from law enforcement employment, under honorable circumstances, and will at some time receive retirement income for full-time employment, as herein defined, by a government law enforcement agency or department are eligible for Regular membership although they are not presently employed by such a law enforcement agency or department. The person must provide letters of proof of honorary separation from all Departments.
Persons who are presently Regular members for one (1) year or more and who have fifteen (15) years or more with a law enforcement agency or department who have for any honorable circumstance, taken a separation from an agency or department are eligible for Associate Membership although they may not be employed by a law enforcement agency or department. The person must provide letters of proof of honorable separation from all departments.
Persons who are presently Regular members for five (5) years or more and who have served ten (10) years or more with a law enforcement agency, who have for any honorable circumstance, taken a separation from their agency are eligible for Associate membership although they may not be employed by a law enforcement agency or department. The person must provide proof of honorable separation.
Each Regular member must be properly licensed to drive a motorcycle by the State or Province in which he resides and must own a motorcycle, excepting, however, that persons who otherwise qualify as Regular members, but do not own motorcycles, may become members if they have plans to own a motorcycle and do in fact acquire ownership rights in a motorcycle within six (6) months of their acceptance as members.
Any Regular member who because of an injury or medical or physical condition is unable to continue riding a motorcycle may retain his/her membership as a regular member.
Associate Member
All Associate members must be persons who are employed on a part-time basis (less than 32 hours per week, minimum 96 hours per year) by a governmental law enforcement agency or department and receiving monetary compensation for such employment. All Associate members must have arrest authority. Any Associate member on May 24, 1983, shall have the right to continue as an Associate member if he meets all other requirements.
Persons who have been employed on a part-time basis (less than 32 hours per week, minimum 96 hours per year) by a governmental law enforcement agency or department for fifteen (15) years or more and have been a Blue Knight for five (5) years or more who have taken an honorable separation from his/her law enforcement agency or department (reasons - health, retirement, age, or injury) are eligible for Associate membership although they may not be employed by any law enforcement agency or department, and are not receiving retirement compensation. They must provide letters of proof of honorable separation.
A person may also qualify for Associate membership as per Section 1, paragraph 4.
Each Associate member must be properly licensed to drive a motorcycle by the State or Province in which he resides and must own a motorcycle, excepting, however, that persons who otherwise qualify as Associate members, but do not own motorcycles, may become members if they have plans to own a motorcycle and do in fact acquire ownership rights in a motorcycle within six (6) months of their acceptance as a member.
Any Associate member who, because of an injury or medical or physical condition, is unable to continue riding a motorcycle, may retain his/her membership as an Associate member.
Honorary Members
Honorary members must be persons who have substantially contributed to the promotion of the Corporation and to the purposes for which the corporation is organized. Honorary membership in any given chapter may not exceed more than ten percent (10%) of the previous year's membership of Regular, Associate and Life members.
Life Members
Life members are restricted to the Founding Fathers of the International and Past international Presidents in good standing. Life members are not obligated to be a member of a chapter.
Special Honorary Members
Special honorary membership may be granted to an ordained member of a recognized religious order for the position of chapter Chaplain. This is limited to one (1) per chapter and will not affect the chapter's ten percent (10%) honorary limit. If you feel that you qualify and would like more information or an application to become a member of the world's largest and best motorcycle club for law enforcement officers contact a chapter near you or our International Headquarters.
Governmental Law Enforcement Agency or Department:
Any agency that is duly formed and is a State, Province, Nation or Country recognized, whose primary function is to deal directly with the enforcement of criminal and/or vehicle and traffic statutes/laws of their respective jurisdictions or is responsible for the prosecution, incarceration or supervision of offenders.
Arrest Authority:
Employees of a Governmental Law Enforcement Agency or Department who must be empowered “by statute” to arrest offenders (other than as a private citizen) at all times while on duty. Said employees must receive monetary compensation (as defined) from their respective agencies.
Monetary Compensation:
- A salary in its normal meaning or workman’s compensation benefits. If a salary is received, it must be paid directly to the employee by their respective Governmental Law Enforcement Agency or Department. Salary is deemed to mean money received as compensation for work performed, computed by the hour, day, week, month or year.
- A pension, as that term is normally applied, received as compensation for the years of service, which may be paid out in installments or in a lump sum.
Military Personnel Definition:
An active member of a National or Federal Government Military Agency whose primary duty (job title or description) is in Law Enforcement, who has the right to detain and has completed a prescribed Military Law Enforcement Training Program and is eligible for Regular Membership. Any Military Personnel that has retired from active duty after serving twenty (20) years or is or will receive Federal or National retirement income, and has the form DD-214 or its equivalent and /or a certified Military History record that identifies the primary duty (job title or description) prior to discharge as Law Enforcement is eligible for Regular Membership. Military Personnel. Applicants must meet all qualifications as defined in Article 6 of the Constitution.
Blue Knights CA 1 -
- Download the Membership Application here. (You can fill the form out on line and print it out for your convenience).
- Complete and then sign your application at the bottom of Section 5. Include your club sponsor name, if applicable.
- Along with the Application include a copy of your Agency ID card, and a copy of your most recent Pay Voucher Statement. (blackout all account numbers, Social Security Number and dollar amounts).
- Include a check made out to Blue Knights CA 1 for the appropriate amount (see below).
- To order your name tag, please include an additional $10. If you would like a name tag for your spouse or significant other, include their name and an additional $15.00. (The "Lady Knight" icon is a special order item)
- If you would like your cell phone number listed please include that also.
- Mail completed application package to:
Blue Knights CAI
P.O. Box 171
Grass Valley, California 95945-
When you join you will automatically be put on our email list for BK CAI updates and information.
Annual Membership Fee
Initial membership quarterly info:
- 1st Quarter January-March = $50.00
- 2nd Quarter April-June = $45.00
- 3rd Quarter July-September = $40.00
- 4th Quarter October-December - $50.00 (includes the next year's membership
*Transfer membership from current Blue Knight Chapter = $3.00